Our Company was recognized with the
Progresa 2022 Great Leader Award - Gold Category!
Published January 2023

Our Company was recognized with the Gran Líder Progresa 2022 Award – Gold Category, by the environmental authority of Eastern Antioquia (Oriente Antioqueño), Corporación Autónoma Regional de las Cuencas de los Ríos Negro y Nare CORNARE (Regional Autonomous Corporation of Negro and Nare River Basins). This distinction exalts our progress and achievements in the sustainable use of natural resources, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and compliance with sustainability indicators.

On this occasion, four dimensions were evaluated: Environmental, Strategic Direction, Social Sustainability and Articulation with Sector Plans on Climate Change. This initiative had the verification of compliance with the requirements established in the program by Icontec, Colombia.

We highlight that our Company achieved 100% of the qualification in the four dimensions evaluated, the maximum score to achieve the award (Gold Category). This recognition inspires and motivates us to continue preserving our planet and to advance in our Mega 2030.

Let’s continue building A Future of Us.

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