TOSH bars will save you
Published April 2024

In our Chocolate Business we have several important subcategories in the world of healthy snacks, one of the most important is the Cereal Bars, where our brand TOSH is the market leader in Colombia and Central America.
In the last years we have evidenced the need to relaunch our Bars with the objective of developing and growing this specific Category. To address this opportunity, we identified what makes our bars different from the rest of the healthy snacks in the market, validating with the consumers a powerful input (insight):
We discovered something simple, but very powerful: the bars are ALL-PURPOSE and get us out of trouble.
This is how we created a new regional communication platform under the creative concept: TOSH BARS WILL SAVE YOU.
A dynamic campaign that lands in the daily moments of everyday life. There are definitely situations in which we need to be saved, as in making that line that seems endless, in that traffic jam on the way home that seems to be eternal, in that meeting that lasted longer than expected or in those mornings when we go workout with an empty stomach. In all these moments TOSH bars will SAVE YOU, yes, they save you from hunger and recharge you!
Our bars are a very delicious option because of their flavors, they are nutritious thanks to their natural ingredients, practical as you can always carry them with you, and also come very handy for their shape and consistency.
The campaign has been active since February in Colombia, Central America and the USA, with a 360-degree strategy in traditional and digital media and point of sale.
It will continue throughout the year, through different activations and events with our consumers. We will be present in all those moments of everyday life, because when TOSH Bars save us.