We received for the second time the recertification as “Inclusive Company” by ANDI
Published December 2024

Our Chocolates Business received for the second time the “Inclusive Company” recertification from the ANDI (National Business Association of Colombia) and its Foundation, at the closing of the 9th Colombian Business Congress 2024 – CEC, by its acronym in Spanish, in Medellin.

This distinction is given to organizations with the highest quality standards in inclusion practices at the national level, based on four pillars of evaluation: Sustainability, Impact, Relevance and Replicability.

In 2018, our Company was highlighted as the first company to obtain the seal in the Inclusive Chaining category. And this year, after a high standard audit process, we demonstrated that we have maintained and improved our Inclusive Supply Program with cocoa producers, providing progress and new opportunities to the Colombian countryside.

The above inspires and motivates us to keep strengthening our commitment to the cocoa sector, promoting sustainable rural development.

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