Our factory in Rionegro
has Antioquia’s largest solar roof
Published March 2018

Our company has the first and largest solar roof in Antioquia, and the second-largest in the country, making our factory in Rionegro a pioneer in clean and environmentally-friendly production in Colombia.
The installation of our roof began in May of 2017 and was finished by the end of September of the same year, at which time the trials and final engineering details were completed. According to studies, Rionegro is the seventh-best place in Colombia for solar radiation.
1 The system’s capacity is of 2,132 kW and will produce 3,150,964 kW of clean energy per year.
The system’s capacity is of 2,132 kW and will produce 3,150,964 kW of clean energy per year, which will cover 15% of the factory’s energy consumption. It also has 8.047 photovoltaic modules (solar panels) located along seven decks of the production plant, representing an area of 14.924 m². The system is complemented by 74 inverters that allow solar energy to be converted into energy apt for conventional use.
Celsia, Grupo Argos’ energy company, was in charge of developing the project which is currently the fourteenth roof of its kind in operation in the country. With its energy production, this photovoltaic system will prevent 604 tons of CO2 from being emitted, which is equivalent to planting a 40-hectare forest once a year.