Our brands Jet and Corona are Top of Mind
Published August 2024

At National Chocolate Company, we are proud to share the results of the most recent “Top of Mind” measurement by Dinero and the research firm YanHaas, which were published last weekend in Semana magazine.

In this report our Jet and Corona brands stand out, both keep leading the chocolate categories with 80%, and tabletop chocolate with 48%. The report also recognizes the innovation and trust that our brands inspire in our customers and consumers, especially Jet Chocolates, which ranked third in the overall “Top of Mind 2024” ranking.

These results push and motivate us to continue providing nutrition, wellness and pleasure to Colombians with our products and to continue building #AFutureOfUs.

Learn more here:

Chocolate: https://www.semana.com/economia/empresas/articulo/la-competencia-entre-las-marcas-de-alimentos-es-muy-renida-pero-lo-colombianos-tienen-claras-sus-preferencias/202458/ 

Tabletop Chocolate: https://www.semana.com/economia/empresas/articulo/bebidas-que-calientan-el-alma-asi-esta-su-top-of-mind/202453/ 

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