Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, first company in Colombia to obtain the seal of Inclusive Company:
Inclusive Linkage Category
Published March 2019

Compañía Nacional de Chocolates was recognized within the framework of the IV Market Place Social of the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (for its acronym in spanish) “ANDI”, as the first company in the country, to obtain the Inclusive Company seal in the Inclusive Linkage category.

A distinction awarded to organizations that successfully implement vulnerable population inclusion practices in their value chains, by the ANDI Foundation in partnership with USAID and ACDI-VOCA, and with the support of Deloitte. In this sense, it seeks to encourage and inspire companies to be increasingly aware of the need to integrate social issues into the business, to generate sustainable impact, while improving their economic performance and competitiveness.

1 “It is important to generate mechanisms that allow vulnerable populations to be a part of all the country´s development and progress. This seal distinguishes companies that make an effort in social inclusion. Inasmuch as that the entire vulnerable population is included, this will allow a development that will give meaning to a society like the Colombian society”.
Bruce Mac Master ANDI President

The above, encourages us to continue generating new opportunities that contribute to the construction of a better world where sustainable development is for everyone.

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