At the beginning of 2024, Nutresa made the planting of one million trees happen
Published February 2024

In 2020, for the celebration of Nutresa’s 100th anniversary, our Organization committed to planting one million trees as a symbol of gratitude and reaffirmation of collective consciousness in the construction of a Future for All. Thanks to the work of Nutresa, The Masbosques Organization and the local communities, at the beginning of 2024 we were able to meet this great objective, to revitalize the paramos and water ecosystems in Colombia. Likewise, we contributed to the fulfillment of the restoration goals stipulated by the national government for 2023 and to the mitigation of the effects of climate change. With this planting initiative, at Nutresa we are leading the conservation of water resources hand in hand with those who live and inhabit the paramos, strategic ecosystems where the largest affluents of our geography are born, one of the most valuable elements of nature.

Corporations involved:

  • Corpocesar
  • Corponor
  • Corpourabá

Departments benefitted:

  • Antioquia
  • Cesar
  • Norte de Santander

• Municipalities benefited: 22
• Families benefited: 563

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